The Man at the Party by B of Briz

B of Briz (UK) is a feminist masked rapper and producer making alternative hip hop. B released her debut EP ‘Forty-Two’ in 2022, and won the ‘Future Sound of Bristol’ prize in 2023.
“My upcoming single ‘The Man at the Party’ is for all those women cornered in the kitchen at parties by dudes who are so sure they’re right about they way they see the world, and that you, a woman, should be grateful to lay your ears on their insight and wisdom. It came from a need for confrontation and catharsis.”
“It has a different vibe from my previous releases. My debut EP ‘Forty-Two’ was a kind of gentle introduction into who I am as a human. ‘The Man at the Party’ is the first single from my upcoming album ‘An Encyclopedia of Patriarchy (incomplete)’, which is a lot more outward-looking, an observation of the world around me.”
“The beautiful art work on ‘The Man at the Party’ is from a contemporary artist – Delphine Lebourgeois. It’s based on one of her pieces ‘Brides and Meteorites’ from the series ‘Witches’. All of the cover art for the singles from my upcoming album ‘An Encyclopedia of Patriarchy (incomplete)’ are works from Delphine based on pieces from her series ‘Witches’ and ‘Bright New World’, and the album cover is an original work by Delphine which I can’t wait to share with everyone when the time comes! All the pieces have a dinosaur theme, which I loved because it’s an album concerned so deeply with misogyny, and misogynists / sexists have always been referred to as dinosaurs. But I also loved that Delphine is portraying this ‘Bright New World’ where we’re in new relationship with old ideas – and that’s such a hopeful vibe.”
‘The Man at the Party’ is out 29th May.