Sophie Dorsten – Phasin’
Sophie Dorsten – Phasin’. Sophie Dorsten is an Indie/Folk singer-songwriter born and raised in the Phoenix, Arizona area. She has been singing her unique sound around the Valley since she was 9 years old when she started in a band with her brothers for a couple of years. After the band broke up, she taught herself guitar and started songwriting. Sophie has released several EP’s and singles since she was 13. She graduated high school this year with plans for college and a lot more songwriting.
Phasin’ was a fun song she recorded at Alice Cooper Solid Rock Teen Center in Phoenix with her friend Austin Moore (The Proudest Monkey) who produced and mixed it. Mike Bolenbach of Full Well Studios mastered it. Although this song does not have a particular meaning behind it, they had such a blast creating it and wanted to make sure it came across that way for those listening. Just have fun! (The music video to go with it reflects that!)
Sophie released her Nashville recorded song “Tomorrow” right after Phasin’ – check it out. More songs are on always being worked on with hopes of sharing them with the world soon!