New Release – West Coast Beats by Odd Wall

Odd Wall will be releasing his EP ‘West Coast Beats‘ this Friday, 29 January. We had a little chat about the upcoming release.
Is this release different from previous releases?
“Absolutely, with any previous track I’ve made I’ve gone into them with no genre in mind and just tried to make music with how I was feeling at the time. With this EP I specifically set out to make this particular genre of music. It’s a lot harder because you then start overthinking it more.”
What can you tell us about the EP?
“This EP is basically my love letter to the west coast hip hop sound that I grew up listening to. The sounds of G Funk from producers and artists like Dr Dre, Warren G, Daz Dillinger, Above The Law etc. I grew up listening to all these sounds and was so fascinated about how they were made. I really wanted to have fun making something and experiment with different synths and instruments.”
Where did you record your EP?
“I did this all at home in my studio. When I say studio, I mean the tiny bit of space in my son’s room that my set up has been in whilst we wait to move house. Something surreal about me singing into a talk box next to my sons cot. Very gangster.”