New Release – Wasp Coloured Carpet (album) by Sugartown Slim

It’s been two years in the making, Sugartown Slim’s debut album ‘Wasp Coloured Carpet’ will be released on Friday 26th November. You can pre-save the album here.
“A friend of ours had a brown and orange carpet in her living room. One afternoon her husband was bothered by a wasp buzzing too close to him and cruelly swatted the insect to the floor. He later rose barefoot from the couch only to tread on the camouflaged wasp with its sting intact and fully functioning. It was the glee with which our friend recounted the tale that we particularly enjoyed!”
“We recorded, mixed and mastered our album in a (quite nice) shed in a garden in Wiltshire, UK.”
“We recorded the album over two summers, 2020/21 and between takes we would settle on the garden furniture with tea & cake in the sun. The tranquility of the countryside was a welcome contrast to tracking drums, guitars and vocals!“
Bio: Sugartown Slim are a modern Country
Rock duo hailing from the South of England.
Seasoned musicians Andrew Mills and Andrew Giddings provide a uniquely British take on Country music while paying homage to contemporary flavours of the genre.
Mills’ dynamic vocal, acoustic guitar & harmonica are supported by Giddings’ additional instrumentation, arrangement and production.