New Release – Waiting for The Sun by The Mease

Groovy. Feel-good. The summer anthem of summer anthems! Launching with a riff that’ll stick in your head all summer the new single from psych-pop outfit The Mease (UK) instantly gets feet tapping before the reverby surf-rock vibes evolve into peak Beach Boys vocals. A rip-roaring guitar solo reminiscent of Dinosaur Jr provides a raw edge. Perfect for summer, it’s going down a storm at live shows and will have fans bouncing in the band’s series of summer festivals, including Y Not Festival.
“The song ‘Waiting for The Sun’ is about not waiting around for something that isn’t going to happen and accepting how small a part we all play in the world. The title inspired a bit of a summery theme and there’s definitely echoes of the Beach Boys in there as well as a big influence from more contemporary artists that I associate with summer sounds such as Real Estate, Swimming Tapes, Beach Fossils and when we first jammed it in rehearsal it had big Teenage Fanclub vibes.”
“We’re really excited for people to hear this song. It feels like a bit of a departure from our first album ‘The World In High Definition’ given how upbeat the new tune is and all of the surf-rock vibes. But it still has that psychedelic groove that we’re known for.”
“We recorded it in Stoke at UTC Studios with Tom Bath – the same place where we recorded the album. We also started recording album two at the same time as recording this single, but the other tunes we’ve got so far have more of a Beatles Revolver mixed with AM era Arctic Monkeys vibe. We’ve got a few more to record yet, but we’re excited about where this album is going to take us.”
“When releasing a new single there’s definitely a sense of excitement. We keep the song quite close to our chests until it’s released. To start with we just want to know what our mates think of it. Then it’s over to the fans. If it goes down well then we’ll work it into our live setlist. We’re playing Y Not Festival this summer so we reckon this will be perfect for that set!”
‘Waiting for The Sun’ is released 30th June. Pre-save here: