New Release – Receipts by Sophie Dorsten and Alex Dorsten

Award winning, national recording artist Sophie Dorsten is an Indie/Pop singer-songwriter born and raised in the Phoenix, Arizona area. Sophie has been writing and releasing EP’s and singles since she was 13.
Sophie’s new track ‘Receipts’ will be released October 1st. It’s another collaboration with her brother Alex. You can pre-save the song here.
When Sophie was 9 and Alex was 12 they were in a band together with their younger brother Joey. They played all over Phoenix for several years until Alex got too busy with his other band.
“I started writing at that point and taught myself guitar to perform on my own. Once Covid hit and all my shows stopped, Alex moved back from home from college, and we started writing and recording together. We are having a blast working together. We perform together again now also and it’s always so fun!”
What can you tell me about ‘Receipts’?
“Receipts is about when you are in a toxic friendship and/or relationship and the other person continually lies and deceives; I find all the receipts on what they said versus the truth. It’s a torn relationship where I just wanted their love but all they fed is lies.”
“We wanted to go a little more rockin’ / bluesy with this one! We love trying new styles – it’s a new flavor from our musical ice cream cart that we are giving you a sample of (laughs). We think everyone will love it and want a double scoop.”
“Alex creates all the music and plays the guitars, bass, drums/percussion and I write the lyrics & melody and occasionally play the acoustic guitar. Alex produces the songs; I love his creativity on the songs. We work off of each other’s ideas well to create our songs.”
“A music video is in the works; you won’t expect this video from me! It’s going to be hilarious! I don’t want to ruin the surprise by saying too much about it.”