New Release – Privacy by Venemous Snakes
Venomous Snakes is the project of Berlin-based Irish multi-instrumentalist Déaglin Ó Faoláin. Déaglin honed his melodic songwriting playing in punk and post-punk bands in Cork, and founded the label King Confusion to support ear-catching and energetic music. When his band A Scene From JAWS broke up, Déaglin moved to Berlin to make music with no rules.
Venomous Snakes’ music walks the line between gloomy post-punk and energetic rock n’ roll. Déaglin continues to collaborate with his partner and ex-A Scene From JAWS bandmate Kay Finan who assists with mixing. Déaglin performs bass, guitars and keyboard instruments as well as singing, and deals with the challenge of recording several instruments by playing a different character for each part to bring out different moods of the piece.
The new single ‘Privacy’ is about tech paranoia, or anxiety around the internet and social media.”
“It takes a more ambitious approach to my previous work. My last single ‘Balcony’ was praised for its punk sound and catchy hooks, and that gave me the confidence to do more sonic experiments on top of this song. I studied many different technologies in order to create the most emotional robot voice. I ended up combining techniques from Skrillex and Daft Punk.”
“I produced the track in an old building in a cozy part of Berlin. I set up my studio in what would have been the servants quarters. I produced, sung and played all the instruments – guitar, bass, organ and percussion – in the cramped studio and adjoining corridor and bathroom.”
“I was really happy when the palm muted guitars in the chorus sounded good, it was the first time I was really happy with a guitar sound. I forgot about being a producer and really focussed on the song and being precise on my instrument. It has made me a better musician!”
“The song was inspired by the Cambridge Analytica scandal. In an incredible series of interviews, whistleblowers explained how they harvested social media data to create a “projection” of a person which could be used to manipulate them. As a social media user, I was horrified. It manifested an image of cannibals feeding on peoples’ data.”
“The song is autobiographical – I try to criticise myself if I am criticising others. I became aware of the inescapable nature of it – I promote my music using these same tools. Once the cannibalism machine is built, you have to use it or you’ll fall behind the competition.”
The single ‘Privacy’ comes out on the 21st of September. Pre-save here.