New Release – Orla the Octopus by Vix20

Vix 20 are Mills and CJ, two music industry veterans who grew disillusioned with the music industry walking away vowing not to return. In 2019 they returned with first release in ten years ‘Digital Age‘. They have released several successful singles since.
Vix20 will release a new track ‘Orla the Octopus’ on 24th September. CJ is the lead vocalist on this track and he told us the following:
“‘Orla The Octopus’ is the tale of a lost soul and their day at the beach.”
“The song is an outrageously hyperbolic, ghost written account of a friends attempt at doing ‘something silly’. You’ve got to laugh.”
“As is the way with Vix20 the aim is to have the listener think ‘What in god’s name is that?…I need to hear that again’. We hope someone enjoys it.”
“No Octopus were harmed during this song, although our trousers did get wet.”