New Release – On Fire Again by Joe Peacock

New Release – On Fire Again by Joe Peacock
New release Joe Peacock - On Fire Again

A new release “on fire again” by Joe Peacock from Birmingham is coming up. Joe Peacock is a singer-songwriter who describes himself as a genre-hopping storyteller. Joe has released three albums as a solo artist. He is also playing in an alt-folk duo called The Missed Trees, who have started gigging. They will release their first EP very soon.

Joe’s new song ‘On Fire Again’ will be out 13th January. Pre-save here.

About the lyrics

“The lyrics for this song blend the story of a man who holds the record for being struck by lightning the most times (seven!) with mythology and different cultural ideas about lightning. I am always looking for people with striking stories for my songs, so Roy Sullivan certainly fitted the bill for that. For someone to be so unfortunate as to be struck by lightning seven times is quite remarkable. Then I started looking into other references to lightning and it made a strong moody backdrop for quite a heavy song.”

“I don’t go too deep into his life and the tragic ending for this song. I just wanted this idea of being pursued by something powerful and scary from above.”

“If anyone who’s reading this is a DJ at discos and wants a copy, contact me!”

“It’s the kind of song that could be played at an indie disco and people would mosh around to it – I know I would. I’d love that to happen somewhere. I don’t have a band to play this live, so I won’t be able to get a mosh pit going myself. But I want the song to generate that kind of excitement and adrenaline in the people who hear it. If anyone who’s reading this is a DJ at discos and wants a copy, contact me!”

“As with all my material, it was recorded at home using my laptop, a midi-keyboard, microphone, bass and guitar. I originally recorded it a while ago. But then did some re-records after listening with fresh ears to improve the sound and performances. Then I sent it to a friend in Russia, Jack Benzin, to do the mixing and production on it. I’m really happy with how it sounds.”

A new release “on fire again” by Joe Peacock is coming up: Pre-save here.
