New Release – Mirror, Mirror (album) by Adam Camm

New Release – Mirror, Mirror (album) by Adam Camm

Born in Bristol but living in London (UK) since the late 2000’s, multi-instrumentalist Adam Camm has worked on several music projects, fronting Halloween Jack who have released multiple albums and EP’s, as well as working on projects ranging from a Frank Zappa tribute project to an England world cup song.

Adam released his first solo venture in 2021. Following up his debut EP ‘Echo Chamber’, Adam worked with Steve Cornell, formally of Manchester band The High Nines, to co-produce and mix his debut album ‘Mirror, Mirror’ out 12th May.

“When I started my solo project, I consciously decided to make music that was different to what I had done previously. The resulting EP was darker, and a little less accessible than my previous projects. This album tends to fall a little more in between the EP and my previous work. The songs are still ‘me’. I like to throw a curveball in here and there, but I think that some of the tracks are probably the most accessible I’ve written. It wasn’t a conscious decision to do so, it was just what I felt at the time.”

“I’m not trying to convey a message in my songs. They’re reflections of characters, stories or myself at a particular moment in time. Maybe the listener will identify with some of those reflections but the most important thing to me is that they simply enjoy the music. I think sometimes in life people can get carried away with thinking that something must mean something when really, it can just be a little story, set to music for others to enjoy and take from it what they want.”

Adam records in his home studio using a mixture of analogue and digital methods.

“I recorded the album in my home studio where I’ve worked on both my solo projects and previous Halloween Jack recordings. I’ve spent a few years building up some nice equipment and I’m very much of the mindset that if you put a good sound into the recording, the less time fixing stuff in the mixing stage.”

“For mixing, I used Steve Cornell who is not only an excellent solo artist in his own right, but he’s great at mixing my work as he really understands the vibe, is a great sounding board for ideas and ended up being a co-producer! Between us, and Ben at Rare Tone Mastering, I have the best sounding record I’ve ever been involved with.”

“This album came about very quickly. I had already written and recorded one track just as my EP came out in September 2021. I had several quick bursts of inspiration, and everything was written, recorded, mixed and mastered by October 2022. I’ve delayed the release to ensure that records were pressed on time and I’m in the process of putting a group together to play a few gigs. I will start to think about the follow up soon, but I’ve deliberately limited my writing time to focus on putting everything behind this release.”

About the cover art…

“I follow a designer on Instagram called Liana Bluzer (@girltrashdesign) and she posted a concept poster she’d done for Strawberry Fields Forever, which I really liked. I contacted her with a brief of what I was looking for and we fleshed out the plan together.”

“I discussed that this isn’t a concept album, but the songs focus on characters, their flaws, traits and all, and that I wanted to call it ‘Mirror, Mirror’ after one of the tracks on the album. Liana came up with this idea of me holding a picture frame, surrounded by hand drawn elements inspired by the songs on the album. Liana explains it best – “The viewer of your album is almost looking at their reflection through the imagery of you and the elements, seeing their traits, flaws, best bits, reflected back to them, as they resonate with what they see.”

“I’m delighted with the mixed-media collage look of the cover. I took the self-portrait, developed and scanned at home and Liana did a great job blending the textures together. I’ve posted several videos talking about the individual elements featured on the cover on my Insta and Facebook pages so feel free to check them out.”

‘Mirror, Mirror’ is out 12th May. A pre-save is available.


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