New Release – Loss Of Innocence by The Bedlam Furnaces
Led by guitarist and multi-instrumentalist/composer Ian Allison, working with regular collaborators, The Bedlam Furnaces is a South London-based project that has recently made waves in the indie scene following the release of 2021 album ‘Fever Dream’, the most recent single being ‘Pulling Wires’. The sound has picked up great reviews with DJ and follower comparisons to bands such as Low, Muse, ELO, Arcade Fire and Floyd while having a sound all of its own.
The current track features longtime collaborator Alison Allison on wooden Garklein and backing vocals.
What’s the song about?
“We all lose our innocence one way or another – for some people it happens all at once in a moment of joy or terror, revelation or dawning realisation. For others, it seems to be a gradual process of attrition. It can be all of the above – we’re all innocents in many ways until we encounter a reality that changes us suddenly, completely or bit by bit.”
Does the song have a special meaning to you?
“The verses are semi-autobiographical… The ‘bridge’ is really about the struggle for authenticity when there are so many pressures to be what others want or need you to be, and the battle with your own fears and insecurities. I’ve actually performed this song live many times with different arrangements and people – this one feels right.”
What’s your favourite memory of writing and/or recording it?
“Ha! Favourite is an interesting word here. It was originally written in D, but the vocals weren’t working with this musical arrangement and version of the lyrics, so it was re-arranged and re-recorded in G. The idea of starting again was like contemplating a visit to the dentist… but it insisted… Very much enjoyed recording the guitar solo and Alison’s amazing, improvised Garklein.”
‘Loss Of Innocence’ will be out 16th December.