New Release – Little Jenny Wren by Rowan Lawson

Rowan Lawson is a singer-songwriter from the UK. He’s been writing songs for most of his life.
“When I started writing this song all I knew was the title, ‘Little Jenny Wren’. I wanted it to be a song about a strong woman overcoming the odds to carry on just getting through life, that’s it. I was thinking of my wife – who is a nurse, as I wrote it, so it has kind of become a song about her. When I look back over it though I realise that there are lots of Little Jenny Wren’s all over the world. I think we all know a Little Jenny Wren. It just seemed to fall into my hands, like a gift.”
“I’m recording with other musicians to give my songs the sound I really want for them. I want each song to be full of life, colour, and feeling, and to mean something to someone. I believe in finding the right musicians for each song and letting the song dictate the sound. I am striving to give each song I have written the sound I hear for them in my head, so everyone else can hear it too.”
“This song was written about 7 weeks ago. It was amazing really. At the end of the previous day it didn’t exist, then by the end of the next the song itself (melody, words, structure etc) was complete. Sometimes it happens like that.”
“I’m very happy with this one, has a very different sound to December Eyes, warmer I think.”
“This is only my second release. This is much more folky than my previous song ‘December Eyes‘ which was more indie-rock. I wanted ‘Little Jenny Wren’ to sound like a song you might hear in a pub, being played in a corner somewhere by an old band, that people would dance to.”
‘Little Jenny Wren‘ is already available on Bandcamp, but will be released on Spotify on July 2nd.