New Release – Lies and Legends (album) by I Am a Rocketship
Eric Weissinger was a journeyman bassist and guitarist backing up singer-songwriters, until he met L E Kippner, cellist and singer of Swedish synth-pop duo Neobox. They formed a rock band called Hitchcock Blondes in Ohio, but left to try new ideas as I Am a Rocketship.
In 2016 they polished up a collection of demos to release as an album called ‘Mission Control’. Encouraged by the response, they released ‘Mind Grafitti’ in 2019, receiving favorable international press, followed by 2020’s ‘Ghost Stories’ and an EP ‘oRAnGE’.
On November 11th the duo will release their album ‘Lies and Legends’, which is their most ambitious collection to date.
“These ten songs are about the appeal, in trying times, of lies and legends over reason and love. They give people hope, a feeling of belonging, and frequently, a license to do terrible things in the name of their belief.”
“It was a strangely easy process, compared to the other three LPs and the EP we did. We had rehearsed the songs a lot but had played only one live before. Most parts were recorded in one pass, with little editing, and Eric just played his live guitar setup into a single mic for his parts. We felt so strongly that these were our best songs, it made it easier to focus.”
“We made a video for the first single ‘Fever Dream’. It’s a very American dreamscape, impressions of what scares people and inspires people. Often what inspires some, scares others.”