New Release – Get What You Are by The Star Crumbles

The Star Crumbles came together in 2022 when Marc Schuster reached out to Brian Lambert about adding lyrics and vocals to a track he was working on. The duo met on Twitter. Marc was looking for independent artists who were making music similar to his when he found Brian’s music. Brian was in the middle of a 52-week song challenge at the time, recording a song a week for year. Curious to learn more, Marc interviewed Brian on his blog, Abominations, and the two immediately hit it off, geeking out over music and production techniques.
Just as Brian was wrapping up the 52-week song challenge, Marc was working on a piece of music that needed lyrics. Since he knew that Brian was about to have some free time on his hands, Marc reached out and asked if Brian would be interested in collaborating. The resulting tune, ‘Desperately Wanting’ made the duo realize that they worked pretty well together, and soon they were working on an album as The Star Crumbles – an anagram of ‘Schuster’ and ‘Lambert’.
Their new single ‘Get What You Are’ will be out 17th March. A pre-save is available here.
What’s the song about?
“It is about being self-aware – of being capable of looking at yourself and realizing that you’re turning into a jerk, but also that you don’t have to take that path. In that sense, it’s also about self-transformation.”
How would you describe it?
“A stark yet smoldering track that echoes the indie rock of the Black Keys and the dark, electronic ambience of Depeche Mode.”
Is this release different from your previous releases?
“For our first album, we were aiming for an 80s New Wave vibe. With ‘Get What You Are’ we’re inching into the 21st century. We’re also always learning new recording and mixing techniques and we really focused on keeping the vocal front and center and the drums just behind it. Everything else is there, but this time around we pushed it back in the mix to let the vocal stand out.”
Where was it recorded and mixed?
“Marc recorded the instrumental tracks in his basement just outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Brian recorded the vocals in his living room in Denton, Texas. Marc handled the bulk of the mixing and most of the mastering, with a few adjustments from Brian in the final stages of the project.”
What’s your favorite memory of writing and/or recording?
“Marc fell in love with the song as soon as he added Brian’s vocal track to the mix. One line in particular sent a shiver up his spine: “Do you break free from the you you knew you were becoming?” To emphasize the line, he doubled it and raised it an octave. As soon as he played it back, he knew he was onto something.”
Marc writes and records all of the instrumental tracks and then sends them to Brian for lyrics, vocals, and any additional instrumentation that Brian might want to add – usually a lead synth line. For ‘Get What You Are’ Marc played or programmed all of the instruments, and Brian sang.