New Release – Fall On Your Sword by DrEw

New Release – Fall On Your Sword by DrEw

DrEw has been releasing original music since May 2020. His new song ‘Fall On Your Sword‘ will be released on 27 February.

“The song is an acoustic indie-alternative/indie-rock love song, which builds throughout to a big crescendo and cry for help!”

“The song is about that friend we all have, who holds out for the perfect love, the love they have read about in books and seen in films, the love that will solve all their problems. The question is, do they find that love in the end? Is it possible?”

“Beyond the specific character in the song, the lyrics are really a general reflection on love – is it asking too much of those we love to live up to our ideas love – to essentially save us through love? Or better, is real love found in much more fundamental and long lasting ways, beyond our cultural notions of love.”
