New Release – Corridors by Sean Buckley ft. Joe Peacock

Sean Buckley is well known for his collaborations. His forthcoming release ‘Corridors’ is a collaboration with singer-songwriter Joe Peacock. The song will be available for streaming on 1st February.
Sean: “I haven’t met Joe, or any of the people that I have collaborated with, so we have Twitter to thank for these collaborations.”
Joe: “My friends in 3 Little Wolves had just released a collaboration with Sean called ‘Loose’ and they suggested I get in touch with him about doing something, so I did and here we are only about a week later!”
Joe: “Sean wrote the music some time last year, I think, and released it as an instrumental track originally on his album ‘Mintball, the Third’. I contacted him about doing a collaboration last week and he said I could just pick a song and he’d send it over. I loved the feel of this one and thought it would fit well with the lyrics that were forming in my head. Then I wrote the lyrics and recorded the vocals over the weekend. It was super quick!”
Sean: “Joe has taken one of my more funky pieces and turned it into a commentary on the Corridors of power.”
Joe: “Yeah, I thought it sounded really funky like a long lost Prince song, but everyone on Twitter has been saying it sounds like Talking Heads. Obviously, it doesn’t have quite the sexiness of the Purple maestro, as I’m singing about Boris bloody Johnson! It’s an attempt to poke fun at the idea that he didn’t know what was a party or a work event.”
Joe: “We’ve actually put the video out first for this, because we wanted to rush it out in case Boris Johnson is booted out before the end of the month. It’s a very home-made affair. I created it all on my laptop, just by creating a few illustrated images in an online design programme, grabbing a few bits of video of the prime minister, other ministers and people pretending to be Boris Johnson dancing around next to Downing Street. The reaction’s been really good to it so far!”
Sean Buckley was born in Hope, Salford and is currently living in Shropshire. He has been involved in music in various ways since his teens as a DJ, manager and musician. Sean is a composer of descriptive melodic electronica pieces. He has released three albums and is collaborating with various artists, turning these pieces into songs.
Joe Peacock is a singer-songwriter from Birmingham who released his first two solo albums in 2021. The acclaimed singles ‘Is not everything morbid?’, ‘Blind bends’ and ‘Keep the nightmares out’ established him as a unique solo artist to look out for. Joe writes songs that explore different themes from most. He’s written about writers, explorers, hermits and even animals, but doesn’t shy away from expressing strong opinions on political and social justice issues, either.