New Release – Cold Coffee by Blake Sonnet

Singer-songwriter Blake Sonnet who releases a new track every month, released ‘Cold Coffee’ yesterday.
“It’s about a character who is waking up to the world around them, to the cosmic, the political and the mundane. And he is desperately trying to find the truth of what is happening in the world.”
“The film ‘Network’ , George Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’ and Aldous Huxley’s ‘Brave New World’ inspired me to write this song.”
“The lyrics are meant to be pretty direct.’Zero hour contract arrives, boom, at your door’. I saw a few years ago on TV two guys from Halifax who were unemployed telling a news reporter that the then new Boris Johnson would help them get off zero hour contracts. And it hit me that these people, politician and the man on the street, are so polarised in there version of the world that they can never understand each other. But sometimes the spin works and people are convinced. Also the lyrics ‘You are it all’ if we agree for a moment that the big bang theory is true then we are a fundimental part of that explosion. We are it. The whole thing pretending to be little old me.”