New Release – Beautiful by Pepe and the Bandits

On June 1st Pepe will release a new track called ‘Beautiful’. It’s the main track off a three song EP.
“The song ‘Beautiful’ is about how not everyone can be beautiful, how not everyone can be number one and how we all cope with that.”
“I wrote it a few months back after using Instagram one night and thinking how vain and shallow all the posts were.”
“The millions I get from streaming companies i.e. my 16p total from Deezer in the last two years also inspired me. I’m still deciding what to do with all the cash.”
“It’s back to some vocals on the song, however it’s actually a three song EP alongside two really unusual songs I have put together: one from African music and the other an instrumental with just flutes and guitar titled ‘Tootey Flutey’.