New Release – Back To Me by The Whistling Cyclist

Steven Andrews, a retired Engineer from Scotland, has two passions music and cycling, hence the name The Whistling Cyclist. He has been playing piano and violin since he was young. As a teenager he started playing guitar and was in a couple of bands. Then life got in the way and he didn’t have much time to play music. For his 60th birthday he bought an Apple Mac with Garageband and he has been recording his own songs since.
His latest release is called ‘Back To Me’ and it will be out July 22nd.
“The song is about a girl that left me, and to begin with I wanted her back. Then I gave up and decided I was better on my own! It is an upbeat tempo’d catchy, jaunty song with guitar, bass, piano and drums.”
“It was recorded in my spare bedroom/studio using GarageBand and like all my songs I play all the instruments on it. Then after I mix it down. My wife proof listens, and I adjust accordingly.”
“I have a massive sense of excitement and I love releasing new songs. For me it’s just a bit of fun and if anyone enjoys listening to it then that would give me great pleasure. I always dream of one of my songs being played in an advert or a film etc. (but I think maybe everyone does)! Lol.”
“I always think they’re different each time, but my friends and family think my style of songs is similar! But this isn’t 12 bar based it’s more a traditional song with a chorus.”