New Release – Ayo by Chris Boddington

Birmingham (UK) based Chris Boddington has been writing music for a good 38 years or so, but only decided to start finishing tracks and releasing them during the first lockdown. He released his first album ‘Lockdown’ in 2021 and his second album ‘Dirty Bit’ in early 2022. He’s currently working on his third album, ‘Can’t Complain’ which his new track ‘Ayo’ is from.
“Musically I like to think I am multi genre but I invariably end up back in the early 90s dance scene when starting new tracks.”
What’s the song about?
“It’s just intended to be a fun, summery dance track to listen to in the sun. Nothing that deep really, I guess if anything it’s about being happy, saying hello to people and being kind and positive in general.”
What inspired you to write this song?
“There just seems to be a general miserableness in the world at the moment so I tried to write the happiest, summeriest tune I could. If it makes one person smile for a minute or two then it’s job done. It’s definitely inspired by the some of great dance tunes of the 90s like ‘Sunchyme’ by Dario G.”
What’s your favourite memory of writing and/or recording?
“I wrote a first dance wedding song for two very special friends. Behind their backs I managed to record snippets of their most cherished loved ones and included them in the song. No-one heard the song until the actual first dance itself including the bride and groom. There were a few tears and it went down a storm, great fun and something incredible to be involved in.”