New Release – A Clearing In The Woods by Blake Sonnet

Blake Sonnet is a songwriter singer, always on the search for the magic that surrounds us and articulating it into a song. He will release a new song every month during 2021. His newest release ‘A Clearing In The Woods’ will be out on Thursday 22nd April. Here’s a link to pre-save.
“I would say that this song is about oneness with everything. A feeling I have felt on a few occasions, the wind in the trees, someone calling your name, the stars in the sky are all an extension of what we really are. What beats your heart, grows your hair is you…and yet you pretend your something else.”
“There is a really beautiful Viola solo. I love sting instruments. I wish I could play one they are so expressive and have such emotional depth. Like a living voice. The solo is by Jade Mccarthy.”
“I think these are the best lyrics I’ve ever written. The words are always really important to me. The job of a poet is to explain with words the inexplicable and for me these words get pretty close to the bone. The lyrics are about being understood as a human being and becoming conscious of being yourself and what that means in the world and beyond.”