New Release: Strand – Country that you came from
Thanks to internet and music streaming services we have an easy access to an endless source of music. As a teen I had to go to the recordshops. Spin all the new releases and spend my money on the best tracks. Kept searching. Always hungry for more good music. The yearly ‘Top100 Allertijden’ provided some suggestions to listen to. Bohemian Rhapsody, Hotel California, Stairway to Heaven, Another brick in the wall, Child in time, Imagine, Roxanne, Private Investigations, Piano Man, You’ve got a friend in me and more of those all time classics. And the library fortunately offered me a way to copy music and add it to my personal mix tapes. In this way I discovered the legends from the 70’s. My mother was the biggest fan of my mixtapes. She had always loved music. The radio was always out loud, but she couldn’t afford to buy it back in the days.
When I first listened to Strand’s ‘Country that you came from’, it felt like listening to a track from one of my old mixtapes. A timeless masterpiece of music that had survived the 70’s and had kept it’s beauty in the following decades. I loved the melody instantly. Loved the soft gentle voice accompanied by a beautiful melody with a painful message. The older the fiddle the sweeter the tune.
It did not enter the CoolTop20 yet. Mostly because I did not see any reactions on this track by other artists and listeners. There was a silence. Never a shoutout. It left me in doubt. Is their music outdated? Am I the only one that likes it? Or is it just too good? Is it because they are form Dublin, Ireland? Are their lyrics not to be exposed? Or even worse…? There must be something wrong with them. After all: You can’t even trust the rain.
I showed music video to my mum and it left her in tears. She really didn’t understand why the track was not in the Top20. I told her not to weep…
Give it a listen and you’ll probably understand my mums feelings. And not only my mum’s…