New Release: Rainbow Road – Dan Kye
It seems a long time ago. Before we discovered the wonderful world of Indie music, I used to listen a lot to artists like @TomMisch and @jordanrakei. I believe I found them through suggested videos on YouTube and because of some cooperations with others artists I followed.
Anyway. Last week a friend send me a link of a new release by Dan Kaye – Rainbow Road. And because we share the same taste….I had to check it out. Lovely beats and funky jazzy tunes. Prince was here?!
But… Dan Kye? This is Jordan Rakei! And indeed: Dan Kye seems to be an alter ego. He might not need the support the independent artists need….I guess you also love to discover new music if you follow the CoolTop20.
Well, try this. We added his new track as a bonustrack to the CoolTop20 this week at spot 22. Magnificent.