In the spotlight – Eleanor Collides

In the spotlight – Eleanor Collides is the solo project of singer, songwriter and guitarist Nick Ranga (UK). The project was named after Nick’s childhood imaginary friend, Eleanor Collides. It started life as a lockdown project in March of 2021 when a group of London based musicians got together to support each other in writing, recording and releasing music.
What was the role of music in the early years of your life? What role does it have now?
“Music has always been really important to me. My dad plays guitar and got me started on that instrument, though I mostly taught myself using a chord dictionary and a Beatles songbook. He still has a huge collection of CDs. The likes of Queen, The Beatles and Fleetwood Mac were played a lot in our house.”
“My older sister also had a big influence on me musically, she first introduced me to a lot of my favourite bands. I am a huge fan of REM and Nirvana, both of which I picked up from her.”
“Music has always played a big role in my life, but for most of it I was a music fan, rather than a music creator. I’ve played guitar for many years, but I started because I wanted to play songs I like. It wasn’t until later in life that it occurred to me that I could write my own songs. I was in my 30s when I wrote my first song. Learning how to mix and master my songs has also changed my relationship with music, I now hear so many more details in the music I listen to.”
What have you been doing to find and develop your own sound?
“Simply writing a lot of songs. I try not to limit myself when I’m creating music, I always go where the song leads me rather than trying to fit into one specific genre. I make an effort to listen to a lot of different music and take inspiration from many places. I do find myself gravitating towards certain sounds though and I think my own sound is emerging organically.”
Do you have literary or non-musical influences that have made a big impact?
“Neil Gaiman is my favourite author and his work has had an influence on my music, directly or indirectly. My song ‘Me and Morpheus’ is inspired by The Sandman, one of my favourite works of his. I even have a tattoo of the character Death on my arm.”
Are you creative in other disciplines?
“I studied art at University so I’ve always had a creative mindset. These days music is my primary outlet though. I dabble in film photography, I use my photographs as cover art a lot of the time.”
What’s one album you could listen to over and over from start to finish?
“That would have to be Green by REM. The songs are all masterfully written and all so different. I also have a lot of happy memories attached to this album. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of it.”
In the Release Talk for ‘Del Rey Sunshine’ you mentioned lyrics are important to you. Who are some of your songwriting heroes?
“Of course REM, but also Tool, Manic Street Preachers and David Bowie to name a few. I always find myself drawn towards lyrics that are a little more abstract and obscure. I like there to be a bit of mystery in there and I try to achieve that in my own lyrics.”
To what extent do you draw influences for lyrics from areas outside music?
“Quite a lot. I do a lot of stream of consciousness and free writing to generate ideas for lyrics so a lot of different influences find their way into my lyrics.”
If you were to give advice to songwriters about the songwriting process, what would you say?
“Don’t overthink it. I’ve always found with anything creative that it’s very easy to kill ideas before they have had time to grow. It’s not easy to silence your inner critic, but it’s a great skill to learn.”
What are you hoping to achieve when you sit down and write a song?
“That feeling of pride and elation at creating something from nothing. I’m proud of everything I make but there’s a certain rush of immense pride that only happens occasionally. That’s what I’m aiming for.”
Do you have a favourite time or place to write music?
“Not really, no. I don’t really have any songwriting rituals or anything. I usually write at home when nobody else is about. I only need a notebook and my acoustic guitar.”
Any plans for the rest of the year?
“Keep releasing music! My goal for this year is to release new music every 6-8 weeks. I’m currently working on my second album which I should have finished this year.”
Where would you like to be in five years’ time?
“Still making music that I’m proud of hopefully. Still trying new things and experimenting, still making interesting and engaging art. If I gain a few more fans along the way then that’s a bonus.”
What’s your favourite song from the Cool Top 20 and why?
“I have to go for fellow New Artist Spotlight members Shayan Reagan and The Blindfold Experience. ‘Homemade Paris’ is a masterfully crafted pop song, and it’s super catchy.”
What song would you like to add as a bonus track and why?
“I’m a huge fan of Mal Fantome. If Interpol and Bloc Party had a baby that was raised by David Bowie, this is what it would sound like.”
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