Favourite Five: Postindustrial Poets
Five questions and five answers with the Poets, but sometimes five just isn’t enough.
“Okay, I found it hard to keep it to five. So it is more Secret Seven!”
What’s your favourite song from the current Cool Top 20?
“Really hard to choose between ‘Receipts’, ‘Target’ and ‘You Can Do (What U wanna Do)’. Today I would go for the last of these, so congrats to Dizzy Panda and Yogishine. Lots of great songs in the playlist this week!”
What’s your favourite song from the Hall of Fame?
“Recently, I have been playing ‘Dirty Pool’ by Rogue Proxy quite a lot – and put it on my workout playlist, so I think that might be the winner. Really a very cool track. I remember we gave it a shoutout when it was in the chart.”
What’s your all-time favourite song?
“Syd Barrett – ‘No Man’s Land’, probably.”
What’s your favourite music video?
“My all-time favourite music video is probably Bob Dylan with the placards for ‘Subterranean Homesick Blues’. I know that it was filmed outside the Savoy Hotel and that Alan Ginsberg is standing in the background – that’s how much I like it! And a completely fantastic song!”
“Favourite recent video is probably ‘Coltrane’ by Greedy Beat Syndicate!”
What’s your favourite song from 2021?
“From the Cool Top 20, it is definitely ‘I’m Alright’ by Lewca and Sean Buckley!”
What’s your favourite movie soundtrack?
“Trainspotting, probably. Just ahead of The Harder They Come.”
Let’s throw in some bonus questions about your own music… What are your favourites from you own music?
“Favourite track and favourite lyric is probably ‘It Happens All the Time’. In the lyrics, specifically the words “Still you try to call her number, from some lonely breakfast cafe/ But she doesn’t answer. And you wouldn’t know what to say.”
“Favourite music video: Actually love all the videos that Skylar Nevaeh did for us, and probably would choose ‘That’s When You Blew My Mind’. We recently played this live (near Namur, in Belgium). As we played it, I found I was visualising the video! It has this very nice touch of moving from black and white to colour at the right point in the song.”